Loyalist Township has posted an update about the status and plans for the Amherst Islander II, including information about the return of the ramp, which is currently in service on the Wolfe Islander IV.
Deputy Mayor’s Statement Regarding the Amherst Islander II
Deputy Mayor Nathan Townend released a statement about the current status of the Amherst Islander II, which has been posted to the Loyalist Township website.
Update on Amherst Islander II following ROMA Conference
Loyalist Township has released an update on the Amherst Islander II following the ROMA (Rural Ontario Municipal Association) Conference. The update includes information about the hiring of an project management firm to help with getting the Amherst Islander II ready for operation.
Update Regarding the Frontenac II
Loyalist Township has posted an update about the status of the Frontenac II specifically as relates to its need to go to drydock and the extension the Township is pursuing with Transport Canada.